
Nr Wrexham or Chester?.. then you can 
Stop Phobias from Limiting Your Life

Are you afraid of flying?.... insects or birds?..... Have you passed out having blood taken or an innoculation?..... Ring Alan Wick (Positive Hypnotherapy) for an Initial Consultation to have your phobia assessed, and to discuss the best way forward for you.
Control phobia

Hypnotherapy - What to Expect

Alan will arrange for you to come along for a one hour Initial Consultation (IC). At this consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet Alan, and decide if you would feel comfortable working with him. He will assess the nature and history of your phobia, in brief without getting bogged down in past unhappiness, and explain in detail how he would help, which gives you the means to make an informed decision. There is no hypnosis used in the IC, and chaperones are welcomed.

If you decide to go ahead, you can expect to see Alan weekly at the outset, for sessions that break down into approx. 30 mins 'waking', and a further 20/25 mins using hypnotic trance, or if you have what is termed a 'simple phobia', you stand a good chance of being treated by the Rewind/Reframe approach, which is delivered in 3 weekly sessions, see opposite.   

Open ended weekly therapy continues until you can both agree that there is clear improvement, at which point the session intervals quickly open out, Rewind/Reframe finishes after the third full session. 

Some conditions are called 'phobias' but they do not fit the simple model, such as agoraphobia (open spaces),  emetaphobia (illness/vomiting), and there are others.... if you're unsure, ring Alan for advice.    
Performance issues
Phobia treatment

How Phobias Affect Us -
How we Can Regain Control 

All of us experience fear and fearful thoughts... 'what if the children become ill... what if we crash.... did I leave the gas on?...' but we exercise control over them and get on with our lives, or as therapists might put it, we maintain intellectual control over these primitive emotional responses.

Sometimes people experience those fearful ideas and are unable to get on with their lives, the fears become overwhelming and the responses can be debilitating. Fear of flying can stop a person exploring the world, or limit their employment opportunities, a fear of insects can prevent a person leaving the house in sunny weather, a fear of needles can prevent proper health investigations being carried out.

Where the fear is specific and there seem to be no complicating factors, there is a method that quickly and effectively stops phobias in most people, and nicely it is a finite course of treatment, called Rewind and Reframe. Over three sessions you will....
  • Acclimatise to a full Hypnotherapy session at session 1
  • Rewind the fearful idea and through repetition, disrupt it's neurological basis at session 2
  • Reframe the old idea into something new at session 3
Most clients fly off into the sunset, or otherwise cope with their old fear/s quite nicely after this process.

Where the fear is a more generalised anxiety state, Rewind/Reframe is not really suitable. This should always be established at an Initial Consultation, and Alan will always advise accordingly.  

Call me on
07872 968 227
to discuss your phobia in detail. Schedule an appointment today if you are near the Chester, Wrexham, Oswetsry corridor, 
or online.
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