
Experienced specialist help with insomnia and other 'sleep disorders'
nr Wrexham & Chester

Do you have difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, a combination of both, or perhaps you talk, shout, walk, become 'paralysed' or terrified, lay awake listening to a partner's snoring, or display other unwanted behaviour when you should be recharging for the day ahead? Alan has seen clients experiencing most of these problems, and is usually able to help.  

Stop putting up with insomnia 

Many people just live with their sleep disorders instead of looking for help. Tiredness, poor work performance, conflict with partners, snappiness with children and reduced sense of well being can and will develop and worsen. Alan Wick (Positive Hypnotherapy) can help you to improve your sleep, whatever the nature of the difficulty you are experiencing, and you can reap the dividends in your day to day life, give him a ring on 07872 968 227. 
Hypnothery CDs

Hypnotherapy - What to Expect

Alan will arrange for you to come along for a one hour Initial Consultation (IC). At this consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet Alan, and decide if you would feel comfortable working with him. He will assess the nature of your sleeping difficulties, and explain in detail how he would help, which gives you the means to make an informed decision. There is no hypnosis used in the IC, and chaperones are welcomed.

If you decide to go ahead, you can expect to see Alan weekly at the outset, for sessions that break down into approx. 30 mins 'waking', and a further 20/25 mins using hypnotic trance. 

This continues until you can both agree that there is clear improvement, at which point the session intervals quickly open out. 

Most people are experiencing improvements between the 3rd and 5th session. 
Insomnia management covers

How Insomnia Affects Our Lives:

  • Memory is one of the first casualties of insomnia
  • It becomes hard to wake up in the morning
  • We can feel drowsy and irritable 
  • Relationships can become strained
  • Work performance is affected
  • Old pleasures seem less appealing 
  • We become inflexible, unable to behave spontaneously
  • We can even begin to dread going to bed, perhaps falling asleep on the sofa through exhaustion
  • As insomnia becomes long term we can become dour and negative
(Sober) Sleep performs an enormously important 'housekeeping' task for the brain, rather like a computer 'defragmenting'..... taking what's there, and without adding or taking away, making it much easier to use next time we 'reboot' (wake up).

If you don't keep up your maintenance you'll find yourself going slowly when you try to open more than one 'window', and if you're not careful your screen can freeze altogether! 
Anxiety and stress
Call Alan on
07872 968 227
Insomnia management, for the Chester, Wrexham, Oswestry corridor, or online.
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